(Cap Gemini) Ernst & Young
Hermetica was fortunate enough to gain its consultancy credentials working for Ernst & Young MCS (subsequently sold to Cap Gemini to become CGE&Y).
The early months was spent on various reviews within the Oil & Gas sector (implementation of IT outsourcing, a refinery overhaul project and a due diligence on a construction company). Major pieces of projects then followed, including one year supporting the business transformation associated with the roll-out of domestic gas competition in the UK and a two-year Oil & Gas exploration benchmarking study.
Transfer to the Supply Chain group involved some smaller projects: Supporting a major construction claim, assessing purchasing projects in an electricity supplier, reviewing commercial project practices for an oil operator in Kuwait, assessing procurement competence at a Utilities supplier, and managing a major (£40m) outsourced data centre services renegotiation for an international bank. Major engagements included a sector wide Oil & Gas supply chain study and subsequent training, supporting a major pharmaceutical to establish a global strategic sourcing capability, and helping a telecoms company to reduce costs associated with IT spend as well as providing commercial project management for a major (€100m) outsourcing deal. More details on the major projects follow:
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