Publications by, or directly related to, Hermetica

  • Information Technology (IT)

    In the late 80s, the founder of Hermetica Consulting formed a company called TransTiriel Limited. TransTiriel provided software development and documentation services for then emerging parallel processing technologies based on the INMOS Transputer working with Atari and Perihelion. These historical articles - of possible interest to someone out there - are a legacy from those times.

  • Oil & Gas

    In the mid 90s the founder of Hermetica Consulting was fortunate enough to work on two innovative offshore oil & gas projects: BP Cleeton Compression and BP Bruce Phase II. The former, in particular, received a lot of publicity (some of it written by Hermetica). These articles are mainly about the innovations in contracting associated with these projects.

  • Social Care

    For five years Hermetica was contracted by the Department of Health and, briefly, by Derbyshire County Council, to assist councils to deliver efficiencies in adult social care. During this period Hermetica wrote quite a lot on commissioning and performance reporting. Much of this work was published by the Care Services Efficiency Delivery (CSED) programme. Whilst some of it has been removed from the public domain, some still remains.

  • Supply Chain & Purchasing

    Over the coming months it is intended to significantly expand this section. There is over 20 years of experience and wisdom to capture spanning most topics in this area from the perspective of many different sectors.

    The intention is to link together technical publications, training materials, tools (some of them software based) in order to help customers improve purchasing.

  • Videos on Sustainability

    This is expected to be a growing section as new vidoes on sustainability and the environment are created

    These videos are increasingly being used to communicate the need for change and influence policy makers
