Videos on Sustainability

Videos in support of saving our planet;

These videos have been produced in support of environmental topics and international conferences highlighting the damage we are doing to our planet. They are deliberately short in order to convey the problems (and some of the solutions)

Building Information Management (BIM) and Digital Twins from a Sustainability and Circular Economy Perspective

The following videos were created in support of two BIM related conferences, the first, focussing on the Circular Economy in Construction, presented  in Lyon in January 2022 and the second - a bit longer, focussing on the use of Digital Twins for a conference held in Paris (April 2022)

  • InfraBIM Open in Lyon in January 2022

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    Arvea Marieni (2022)

    This video looks at the massive waste associated with construction and how applying circular economy principles and reduce this waste and help the environment

  • BIMWorld Paris in April 2022

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    Arvea Marieni (2022)

    The video puts the construction sector into the context of the massive damage construction is doing to the environment and how applying advanced principles underpinning the concept of digital twins can help    

Challenging the destruction of Green Belt Grade II listed farmland to make way for of a large Sand and Gravel pit near Hexham in Northumberland

Thompsons of Prudhoe in Northumberland are seeking planning permission to destroy a large areas of the green belt to make way for a sand and gravel mine. They have made a video which paints a very misleading case for their plan. Northumberland County Council (NCC) have also conducted a very strange assessment. This video challenges both the Thompson's video and the NCC assessment.

Prague European Summit 2021

Arvea Marieni attended the Prague European Summit in July 2021. She contributed as a speaker in the session on Innovative Technologies for Climate Action and moderated the session on Sustainable Mobility. The two short vidoes below were prepared for these sessions

  • Innovative Technologie: Climate Action

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    Prague European Summit 2021

    This short video starts with the ambitions of the European Green deal and then homes in the various global and European interconnector initiatives (linking consumers to renewables, creating prosumers. It suggests, with the geopolitical will, that the Sahara could provide world energy at a tenth of the cost of nuclear. It then moves on to the use of Hydrogen.

  • Sustainable Mobility

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    Prague European Summit 2021

    This short video covers the new EU policy on transportation and covers initiatives linked to the three speakers on the panel (Prague, Riga and Vehicle to Grid) and finishes off with a brief description of the TEN-T Corridors in Europe, initiatives out of Italy and the lead China is taking in the field

The European Union Green Week (May - June 2021)

A major theme of the European Green Week was the ambition to reach Zero Pollution. Arvea moderated two sessios over this week: one on the circular economy focussing on how waste can be transformd into something useful. The second session looked at how much transportation contributes to pollution - the most dangerous particles being those which are not currently measured.                  .

  • Hubs for Circularity

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    The European Green Week May/June 2021

    The video introduces the EU ambitions and brings home the message that we are consuming far more than is sustainable. It then explains the concept of Industrial Symbiosis providing examples of collaboration across government, business, research and communities to deliver change (with examples of Lahti in Finland, the South Baltic and Kalundborg in Denmark)

  • Exhaust and Non-Exhaust Emissions

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    The European Green Week May/June 2021

    The video highlights the dangers of pollution, its impact on health, and focusses on those small particles which are not measured or controlled but which cause most damage.   The second part of the video looks brake dust and at the microplastipollution from tyre and road wear and how this has entered the global food chains.

Contribution to International Panels during the COVID Pandemic 2020 and 2021

A number of videos have been made in support of various international panels during the COVID Pandemic of 2020/21 covering a number of topics: Ecotransitions (highlighting international projects to transition to a more sustainable economy,.

  • Ecotransitions

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    RFC Enzo Argante Green Carpet Jan 2021

    The video provides an introductory overview of Arvea Marieni, the EU Green Deal, China's commitment to carbon neutrality, and the about turn in US policy as a result of the presidential election. It provides an insight into emerging technologies, and examples of projects implementing the transition, finalising with the contribution of women who are driving change             

  • Climate and Land. Limits to Growth

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    Rotary Trieste Resilience Frontiers Nov 2020

    The video highlights the devastation mankind is doing to our planet. Worryingly a 1972 MIT computer model predicted a tipping point in 2020. The concept of tipping points is expanded on drawing an analagy that we are heading to a cliff edge without headlights on. It ends with the hope that the situation can be reversed.


The first of the videos related to sustainability ... 

  • Peru Biodiversity (Arbio)

    Arvea Marieni and Mike Fisher

    ARBIO (Peru) Jun 2020

    The first video starting to address the topic of biodiversity. This was in the context of the destruction of the Amazon rain forest and covers attempts to protect small areas of the forest.